About Melody Gawliu

Our host and creator Melody Gawliu established FNKO on Friday, July 9th, 2010.

Melody Ybona Gawliu is a Filipino Chinese American and Daly City, California native. She was born on 1/27/1984 and is the daughter of Henson Gawliu Sr. and sister of Henson Gawliu Jr. On 12/23/19, Gawliu was promoted to the position of Senior Data & Safety Monitor for the Data & Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC) at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (HDFCCC). In addition to her job as a monitor, Melody Gawliu also volunteers her time as part of the UCSF Staff Engagement Team and since 2014 has been the organizer of the UCSF Bay Area Breast Cancer Forum that is hosted by Dr. Hope Rugo.

Melody Gawliu has many gifts from God that she uses to give back to the Bay Area community and her church community.

Melody Gawliu was previously an integral member of First United Presbyterian Church(FUPC) of San Francisco. She served as youth director and helped direct the English service. Some of her roles included leading worship music, bible studies, fellowships, event planning, outreach, inreach, etc. Gawliu currently attends Sunset Church in San Francisco, CA. Gawliu serves as a small group leader for the “Mi Familia” small group. She also serves in a few other ways such as being on the worship music team and is the ministry leader for the Connections Ministry and for the Welcome Ministry. For the Connections Ministry, Melody Gawliu plans events such as the Monthly Mixers and Shared Tables, which gives the community a space to meet together to connect over a meal. She previously served as the Social Media manager.

Melody Gawliu is very active on social media:





Gawliu has teamed up with Daly City’s DJ Keith O and former Daly City Mayor and current San Mateo County Supervisor David Canepa to bring events to the community such as the Asian American Cultural Festival in partnership with her organization known as Over the Fog.

In 2020, Melody Gawliu will celebrate the TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY of an event she created called FNKO, which is a series of coffeehouse style performances.

Creating spaces for people to have outlets, connect, and be in a positive encouraging environment is one of Melody Gawliu’s callings. She has an eclectic list of passions and talents and would love to share them with you! Feel free to connect with her!