About FNKO

FNKO is a series of coffeehouse style performances hosted and created by Melody Gawliu and established on July 9, 2010. Coffeehouse style performances include acoustic music, singing, spoken word, poetry, and conversations.

As a creative herself, Melody Gawliu knows that people are in need of spaces to share and cultivate their gifts and talents. At FNKO there’s a place for everyone: a place to start out and get experience on stage, a place to discover and express yourself, a place to network and add to your resources, a place to test new material and get useful feedback, a place to be exposed to different creative outlets and to feed your creative passions.

What you’ll find at each FNKO gathering is that we have cultivated a safe, supportive, and encouraging community that fosters confidence and collaboration as well as promoting creativity and healthy outlets. Our events are family-friendly, which means everyone from kids to grandmas can be empowered to get on the FNKO stage or join us in our audience to enjoy the positive vibes. Gawliu believes that when you are surrounded by creative people in an atmosphere of affirmation and celebration, you will flourish. At FNKO we aspire to recognize that we are all influencers and how we use our platform sets us apart.

…and be inspired.

If you or someone you know may be interested in FNKO, or if you have questions, comments, suggestions, or donations, please e-mail Melody Gawliu at melody@1fnko.com